Spicesworld is an aspiring company in Seaweed cultivation investing in a sustainable seaweed aquaculture off the coast of Kerala, India in the pristine waters of Lakshadweep.
Kalpeni is a beautiful island amongst the numerous islands of Lacadives. The pristine clean waters of downsouth peninsular India is an ideal growing conditions for a variety of seaweeds.
Traditionally people of this community are known for their deeprooted traditions and skills of living at sea and have expert knowledge of our marine resources.
Sea cultivated seaweed requires no freshwater, fertilizers or pesticides. It utilizes nutrients from the sea, captures carbon, mitigates acidification, creates habitat, is renewable and fast growing.
Honesty and Excellence defines our values that ensure we are always working towards our goal of sustainable seaweed cultivation by protecting Nature and addressing climate change and building blocks of development for a better economy